

Being Frank: More habitat protection is needed

Cross posted at NW Treaty Tribes We’ve seen some incredible salmon habitat restoration projects the past few years, but there’s a big difference between restoring habitat and protecting it. We must remember that restoration without protection does not lead us to recovery. The Elwha River on the Olympic Peninsula continues to heal itself after the […]

State of Our Watersheds: Paving in deep South Sound

In the recent State of Our Watersheds Report, the Squaxin Island Tribe points to a drastic increase in impervious surface, especially outside urban growth boundaries. The animation below illustrates the growth in salmon harming pavement and hard surfaces. From the report itself: From 1986 to 2006, the Squaxin Island Tribe’s Area of Concern saw a […]

From the State of our Watersheds report: Forest cover on the Olympic Peninsula

In the recent State of Our Watersheds Report, the Jamestown Tribe documented a decrease in forest cover on the Olympic Peninsula. The animation below illustrates the decrease and the impact it could have on salmon. From the report itself: A minimum of 65% forested land cover is needed to prevent severe stream degradation. Four basins […]

From the State of Our Watersheds: wells on the Kitsap Peninsula increase 300 percent

In the recently released State of Our Watersheds report, the Suquamish Tribe reported a 300 percent increase in exempt wells on the eastern portion of the Kitsap peninsula. The  animation  below illustrates this drastic impact to salmon: From the report itself: Between 1980 and 2010, there was an increase of about 300% in the number of permit-exempt […]

From State of our Watersheds: Nisqually watershed impervious surface

In the State of Our Watersheds report the Nisqually Indian Tribe points to increases in impervious surface and the impact it could have on salmon. The animations below show the shift in paved land in 1986, 2006 and (estimated) 2026. From the report itself: As the population continues to increase, so will the impervious surface area, causing […]

Responding to comments at the Seattle Times: “How about calling off fishing for a few years?”

The Seattle Times’ article on Treaty Rights at Risk and the decline of salmon habitat in western Washington sparked a massive online response. By Monday afternoon there were 157 comments posted on the article, mostly negative. Most comments focused on tribal sovereignty, the meaning of the Boldt decision or tribal economics. But some focused on […]

Billy Frank Jr. on Treaty Rights at risk (at NW Straits Annual Meeting)

Via Olympic Peninsula Environmental News. From the blog: If you have never heard Mr. Frank speak, or if you do not have a good understanding of what drives the Tribes demands for their treaty rights, this is a must listen recording. In it, he clarifies the history behind the struggle for treaty rights and legal […]